Volunteers are an essential part of our ministry here at camp. We have several opportunities for youth to volunteer at camp, this can range from spending just one week at camp during the summer, to upwards of three weeks! Volunteering is a great chance to discover what it is like to work at camp. As a volunteer, you will have a chance to your hand at several different departments of camp, with a focus on maintenance. This includes working in the kitchen, on the maintenance team alongside our staff, or helping the program team when needed with setup for games and theme meals. Some of our volunteers will also get a chance to assist as cabin leaders as well. All volunteers are required to complete a volunteer application to start the process of serving at Shiktehawk. Please see below for more information.
Volunteers 2025
Registration for YELP will be opening on February 1, 2025. YELP is changing for 2025! What is still the same? Well, YELP is still a camp for aspiring future camp staff members. It's still a great chance to us to get to know you better as you start your staff journey with us here at camp. It is still done by application, and there are still a limited number of seats available. This year though, YELP will no longer be happening during the summer - but will be done as separate out-trip wilderness adventure in the Fall of 2025.
Registration for this training weekend will open February 1, 2025. All volunteers are required to attend this two day training camp. During this weekend, volunteers will learn the ins and outs of working at Shiktehawk Bible Camp from our current Leadership Team, as well as some Alumni Staff! This training being offered during the spring gives us a chance to give our volunteers our undivided attention, to ensure that they are ready to serve at camp this summer!
April 11 - 13
If you or someone you know have interest in spending a few weeks of your summer at camp serving, growing, and learning how to love like Jesus - fill out a volunteer application!
Technology Policy
In an effort to balance the work / life relationship at camp, and to hold to the values we hold that camp is a place where people can experience a deeper connection with God and others we have decided to adopt a new cell phone and electronic device policy. In the past, we find that those who are willing to put their electronics aside have a better experience and we hope that this is something that can encourage you to take a break from the media that is a constant in our world and experience deep connection with others, with God and with nature. Read more about this policy below and prayerfully consider this sacrifice with your decision to apply.