Summer Camp: Registration - Sunday 6pm Pick up - Friday 5pm
Small Fries: Registration - Sunday 6pm Pick up - Tuesday 2pm
Discovery: Registration - Tuesday 6pm. Pick up - Friday 5pm
Day Camps: Drop off - 8:30am. Pick up - 6pm
Small Fries Day Camp: Drop off - 8:30am Mon-Tues Pick up - 5pm. (6pm pick up on Monday if staying for supper)
For Parents

When registering your camper, please indicate who will be picking up your child at the end of the week. You can list grandparents, other family members, or anyone else who may be picking up your child.
During pickup, if someone arrives who is not designated during registration to pick up your child, camp staff must call the camper's listed parent/guardian on the registration before being able to release the camper to that person.
We know that when you send your kids to camp, you are trusting us with their well-being, so the safety of your child is our number one priority.

We understand that sending kids to camp is expensive, but we do not want a child to miss out on an amazing week. We have churches, individuals from local churches, and the 1000 mile challenge that give financially to sponsor children to go to Camp.
If you are in need of financial assistance to send your child to camp please complete the following steps:
1. Decide which week you want your child to attend
2. Click "register now" button on the website to be taken to campbrain
3. Login in to campbrain, or create an account if you have never registered with campbrain before
4. Follow the steps on campbrain to register and continue to the camper paperwork
5. There is an optional form labelled "Sponsorship" which you can complete online and submit with your registration for camp
6. When you get to the payment section, select "sponsorship" and someone from Shiktehawk will be in contact with you soon to discuss your sponsorship application
Every year we have almost 100 campers apply for camper sponsorship. Please fill out the portion that you can contribute as well--every bit helps us to be able to spread the love across more children.
Please note:
You cannot fill out the sponsorship form on behalf of someone else unless you are the one registering the camper.
Sponsorship will not cover the full price for saddle, or other wilderness/speciality camps that exceed the sponsorship limit of $405 (the price of a regular week of camp).
Each child can only receive sponsorship for one week of camp.
If you were referred from the 1000 mile challenge, there is a place to indicate the referral on our from so we can communicate that with them, but it is required that you fill out our sponsorship form to be considered for sponsorship from camp or 1000 mile.

Make sure to check YES or NO when filling out your child’s registration form if you agree to the reasonable use of a photo of your child in promotional material on our website, social media, brochures and other materials.
Every camper upon arrival at camp will have their picture taken. These pictures are for internal purposes or for an unlikely emergency situation. They will be kept secure and will not be used for promotional purposes.

Any articles that your child may have lost during their stay will be displayed at their cabin for parents and campers to go through during pick-up. If your camper forgets some things at Camp, please call or email and we will try to locate the items.
Summer LOST & FOUND items will be given away, or disposed of AFTER December 31st of the same year. Winter items will be given away, or disposed of AFTER May 31st.

The Shiktehawk Shack is the place to purchase all of your Shiktehawk Merch! Come check out our selection of camp t-shirts, hoodies, hats, water bottles, and more!
The Shack is open during registration and pick up times - we are setup to take cash or card.

We've adjusted our registration fee to include tuck in the overall cost. Every child will receive $4 of tuck per full day at camp. This does not need to be paid separately like in past years.
At tuck, children will also be given the option of donating some of their tuck money to a global missions fundraiser through Canadian Baptist Ministries. We teach the campers about the ministry and we provide a fun missions event at the end of the week as a celebration for their donations. Check out the ministry we're supporting this year here:

If a camper goes home because of homesickness, health or personal issues, a refund of the remaining camp fee shall be granted to the person who paid the camp fee.
The refund shall be calculated on a proportional basis of time spent here. The $40 deposit fee is non-refundable and is not included in the calculation.
Any camper sent home for disciplinary issues will not be granted a refund.

The safety of the children and teens that attend Shiktehawk is of the utmost importance to us. We reserve the right to send home a camper for inappropriate or harmful behaviour without refund.

At Shiktehawk, we try our best to accommodate to all needs. Make sure to fill out your child’s registration form well with all the necessary information required for any allergies and dietary needs. Don’t hesitate to call and chat with our head cook if you have concerns. Camp is a nut free zone and we frequently cook for different allergies and intolerances.
We have epi-pens on site in case of an allergic reaction.

Every Camper, Staff and Volunteer, upon arrival at camp will have their head checked for lice and nits by our trained staff, in an effort to give every camper an awesome week at camp, and to avoid the spread of head lice amongst all the campers.
We suggest parents check their children a week before arriving at camp.
Please leave the campers personal belongings in their car until they have finished the Head Lice Check and had their photo taken.
If any lice or nits are found at that time or at any time during the camping session, the camper will be asked to return home. Each person in that child’s cabin, as well as any siblings that are attending camp will also be checked for head lice. We will also notify the parents/guardians of children who have come in contact with the affected camper.
The campers cabin will be vacuumed and any cloth materials will be either washed in hot water or thrown in the dryer. Anything not able to go in the dryer will be sprayed with lice spray. Once the camper is lice and nit free, they have the following options:
Choose another week- Parents can bring their child back for another week of equal value during the current summer, if space is available.
In the event that another week is not available you may choose a refund (2/3rd of the fee) Apply 2/3 of the current year fee towards your child’s camp the following season.

All medications or medical equipment go to the Camp Nurse at the time of registration with the instructions. At which time, it will be documented and distributed when indicated.
Cabin leaders will be notified of any campers in their care who have medications, medical needs, allergies or special needs prior to registration of each session. The Camp Nurse and Executive Director will also be provided with this information prior the registration of session.
It is the responsibility of the cabin leader to take the camper to the Nurse for medication but it is also the responsibility of the Camp Nurse to make sure that this is not overlooked.
All medical and medication distribution records are to be kept confidential and on file in the Nurse’s Cabin.
All basic over the counter medication is kept (under lock) in the nurse's cabin and will be given if needed, as long as the camper's medical form indicates they are able to take it. So, you do not need to send these to camp with your child.
This includes children's and adult Tylenol, Advil, Benadryl, gravel, etc. If you do choose to send any OTC medication, it still needs to be given to the nurse and they will distribute as necessary.

If you would like to send your camper (or volunteer/staff member) mail while they are at camp there are a few ways to do this:
1. Bring the mail with you to drop off on Sunday and stop in at the office to deliver it.
2. Send the letter as an email to contact@campshiktehawk.com and we will print it out to deliver.
3. Mail the letter to us at our PO Box (please take into account that it takes a bit for mail to be delivered and we only check the mailbox 1-2 times a week so ensure it is mailed early enough to get here on time).
Shiktehawk Bible Camp
PO Box 869
Florenceville-Bristol, NB
E7L 2X8